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@estimate can help you create more reliable estimates and can help you create them faster.

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image: Detailed Estimate Page

Detailed estimate report with project summary data at the top and WBS summary data in beige bands

Facilitates Rapid And Realistic Estimating

@estimate provides innovative and time saving wizards, powerful reports, and rapid data entry techniques. It has advanced estimating features including automatic checklist review and Cost Spectrum Analysis Reports. Copy estimate items from other estimates or estimate models by clicking on the items to copy. Change a labor rate across your entire estimate.

Create Estimate Models That Reflect Your True Costs

Estimate models provide a database of item codes, descriptions, and unit cost data that you use to create new estimates. You can create estimate models that are customized for your business and that reflect your true costs instead of some industry average.

Team Estimating and Review

Teams can work together to develop and review estimates and they can work from different locations. Everyone sees the same data. All they need is a connection to the Internet.

Create a Schedule from the Estimate with One Click

Our tools are integrated. With one click you can pull schedule tasks right out of the your estimate and into your schedule. This allows you to save time and avoid mistakes made when manually transposing estimate information into schedule programs.

Copy Estimates to Excel

Copy Data to Excel You can copy tabular data from our reports and paste the data directly into Excel. Data types are preserved. For example, numerics and dates will not be converted to text; they will paste in as numerics and dates. (Excel is a trademark owned by Microsoft® Corp.)

Want to know more? Click here to use our contact form, or email us at: info email address and phone numbers